Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilation Services

All the HVAC services you need under one roof, from design to installation.

Air Conditioning Service and Installation Engineers

Advanced air conditioning, ventilation and heating, including heat recovery for commercial premises throughout the UK.

Air Conditioning Service and Installation Engineers

Air Conditioning

Comfort for commercial premises

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Heating & Ventilation

Commercial Heating & Ventilation

Wall mounted, ceiling mounted or fully ducted

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Heating & Ventilation

The significance of a well-ventilated workspace cannot be overstated. From restaurants to office complexes teeming with productivity, the quality of indoor air plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of any enterprise.

Kitchen Heat Recovery

We utilise the Lepido heavy duty heat recovery system for restaurants - it is widely regarded as the most advanced system available and with filterless technology it requires much less maintenance than traditional systems

Kitchen Heat Recovery

Lepido® Heat Recovery

New generation heat exchangers for hotels and restaurants

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Heat Recovery

Heat Recovery

Thermal wheel and recuperation air handling units

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HVAC Design Service

Our team of designers have been drawing up HVAC systems for clients throughout the UK for many years. Our experience in this area means we're uniquely placed to put in place robust and efficient HVAC systems

HVAC Design Service

Commercial HVAC Design

Efficient solutions by a highly experienced team

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Planned Preventive Maintenance

Contract Maintenance

A rapid and effective service

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Planned Preventive Maintenance

Regularly serviced ventilation and air conditioning systems will have a longer life-span